Sunday, December 20, 2009


I want to send a THANK YOU for all of those that contributed to our 2009 Christmas Party for Kids. It was a tremendous success as we served over 300 children and 125 families with gifts and food bags!

We had the most awesome volunteers this year! Gifts came from everywhere and monies came in to make it all possible. Big Idea Entertainment provided "Bob" and "Larry" for us and they were great! Tanya Marks, Children's Pastor from Columbia Grace Church of the Nazarene, presented the Biblical Christmas story in a most awesome way. EVERYBODY had a great time and, yes, the Jolly Ole Elf himself showed up and the kids got excited. Over 300 children came, representing 125 families. The children received great gifts and each family left with a food bag!

In preparation for the event, we had 2 corporations send us volunteers to help. I must thank Nissan Corporation and Comdata Corporation for their volunteer time in preparing for the event. They put food in ziploc bags, sorted toys, placed toys in bags, cleaned up the building, and provided toys and monies for the party. I am so thankful for thier willingness to serve. Also, a girl scout troop came and decorated the building and did a tremendous job as always. It was their third year to come and do so. Thank you, Monica and your troopers!!!

MCM is truly a blessed organization to be so honored with this opportunity to meet the needs of those less fortunate. It is a privilege to serve God by serving others! God is using this mission to present the gospel message, and at the same time, meet the needs of those destressed. Let us all to faithful to God as He continually is faithful to us! Bless His Name!

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